Kamalapuram village is located at a distance of 25 kilometers from the district head quarters of Khammam. Kamalapuram being located close to the district head quarters can be accessed by buses run by state government (A.P.S.R.T.C) and other private vehicles. Mudigonda, the mandal head quarters which has facilities like Primary Health Centre, Police Station and other public facilities is at a distance of 12 kilometers from Kamalapuram.The village boundaries as bounded by :-
East |
Gandhasiri |
West |
Chandapuram |
South |
Banapuram |
North |
Pummy,Ammapeta |
Kamalapuram is spread over 2909 acres of land.Half of this land being fertile and suitable for irrigation is another specialty of this village.Water from 19 th Mangapuram sagar major canal and from the nearby Venkatadri and Pundalayya lakes is used for cultivation.Cultivation also happens by using water from rain, bore-wells and farm field wells.The three lakes located in Kamalapuram,namely Venkatadri,Pundalayya and Challasamudram facilitate fishing and associated trade for fishermen community staying in the village.
Paddy,Cotton and Chilly are the major crops cultivated in Kamalapuram.People of various religions and castes live here by showcasing the meaning of ‘Unity in Diversity’.The village has two Primary Schools,one Zillaparishad High School and two Anganwadi centers. Drinking water is supplied through pipeline from Munnaru (Gandhasiri) reservoir,which is at a distance of 3 kilometers.Kamalapuram is a socially responsible and politically active village.
Village Area :- 2909 Acres
Land Under Cultivation:- 1914.20 acres
Water bodies:
1) Pundalaiah :- 107.18 acres
2) Venkatadri :- 87.17 acres
3) Challa Samudram :- 157.16 acres (in this under Narsapuram revenue has 13.04 acres)
Population :- 3213
Men : 1587
Women : 1656
No. of Houses :- 915
No. of Ration Cards : 1112
No. of Voters :- 2242 People Representatives:-
Sri S.K.Nasar Saab was elected as the first Sarpanch in the year 1959. Later,Sri Vanam Narsingarao was elected as Sarpanch for 31 consecutive years from 1964 to 1995.During his tenure as Sarpanch,he had undertaken various developmental activities such as allocating land and getting government approvals for houses for people belonging to SC, BC and minority communities.During this period,efforts were also made to take-up survey of uncultivated infertile land and to distribute such land to the poor people.Representatives elected after 1995 are successfully taking forward the vision of development set by Sri Vanam Narsingarao.
Sarpanch Name |
Tenure |
S.K.Nasar Sab |
1959-1964 |
Vanam Narsinga Rao |
1964-1995 |
Devampalli Adinarayana Reddy |
1995-2001 |
Marikanti Rajya Lakshmi |
2001-2006 |
Pathakoti Venkateshwarlu |
2006-2011 |
MPTC Name |
Tenure |
Devarapalli Adinarayana Reddy |
March 1995 – August 1995 |
Valluri Bhadra Reddy |
1995-2001 |
Mallayboina Basavamma |
2001-2006 |
Bojja Vijayamma |
2006-2011 |